PrimeTime Sports

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

C'Mon now Cleveland Fans

This past Monday the Cleveland sports world was put into a tizzy because of a twitpic. Yes, I said twitpic. Josh Cribbs of the Browns posted a picture of LeBron James with "My Boy @KingJames", at the NBA All-Star Game below it. What really frustrated me was the way my fellow Cleveland Fans got so upset. On WKNR, I heard people actually saying they wanted the Browns to get rid of him because he took a picture of hid friend. I remember what James did to the city, the team, and us the fans, but at what point do we all just need to let it go. For me, I let it go after December 2nd when we all know what happened. Now my question is to those who were so upset by a twitpic, when will you let it go?

As for Cribbs, I know he was in Dan Gilbert's seats, but to me, that still does not warrant the negativity that was directed his way. He can be friends with anyone he wants to be. As long as he is a good person off the field and great player on the field, I am perfectly okay with him being friends with LeD-bag James. I you were apart of the group who got offended by the twitpic, all I have to say is C'MON MAN and GET OVER IT!!!

To view the twitpic, click here:

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